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Français : Documents Partagés

Using Shared Documents

A video has been prepared on the subject of Shared Documents to improve your online experience in using ACOA Direct. We encourage you to view this video by selecting one of the following formats:
Reminder icon.jpgA shared document added at the client level will not be displayed within the project shared document library and vice versa.  Therefore it is important to upload a shared document in its proper location (e.g., financial statements of the company at the client level and project proposal at the project level).

How to View a Document in your Browser

Once a document to be shared on the site has been uploaded (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, etc.), you will have the ability to edit the document within ACOA Direct, as well as preserve the previous version(s).  To edit an uploaded document under Shared Documents or within a claim package, you must click on the hyperlink document located under the 'Name' column.  Once your document is open, you will note a toolbar with five options.

GOL Web App Toolbar.png


  • Download (#1) – Upon clicking, the system will ask you if you want to open or save the document from the ACOA Direct site.  You can Open and/or Save to your desktop, USB stick, etc.
  • Edit in Browser (#2) – For instruction on launching the Web App to edit a document, see below.
  • Print (#3) – Use this to print the document in PDF format.
  • Find (#4) – Use this to search for a word/phrase within the document.
  • Comments (#5) – Use this to view comments previously added to the document, to reply to existing comments or to add and post one without editing the document in browser.

How to Edit a Document in your Browser

To begin editing, click on 'Edit in Browser'.  The system will take a few seconds to open the document in the Web App.

GOL Edit Document in Browser button.png

Once the document is in edit mode, proceed to make your changes.  When you want to 'save' changes, click on the Save Icon in Microsoft.pngicon on the toolbar (see #6 below).  NOTE:  The only document type with this Save Icon in Microsoft.pngicon is Word.  For Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, etc., as you make your changes, the system saves them automatically.

Once you are ready to exit the modified document, click on the X within the document (see #7).  If you have modifications yet to be saved, the system will prompt you to save.  If all modifications are already saved, the system will exit the document and return you to your previous menu within ACOA Direct.  If you have opened a document that does not require any changes, simply click on the back arrow (see #8).

Caution Icon.png WARNING:  Do not click on the X in the upper-right corner (see #9) unless you have completed/saved your changes and want to exit ACOA Direct as well.  Otherwise, click on the X below it (see #7).

GOL Save Editted Document in Browser.png

IMPORTANT ICON.jpgNote that you cannot edit a document located under the ‘Correspondence’ section of the client and project views.

GOL Edit Correspondence Not Permitted.png


Version History

To view the version history of a document, click on the arrow to the right of the title and click on 'Version History'.

GOL Edit Document Version History1.png

The system will display all the version(s) of the document, as well as the date/time and who last modified the version.  You can click on the link of any version to view. 

GOL Edit Document Version History2.png

 If for some reason you want to delete a previous version, click on the drop-down arrow next to the link (see below) and click 'Delete'.  If you want to restore a version to display as the latest one, click 'Restore'.  Once you restore, the system will replace the current version with the selected version.  Confirm by clicking OK.  In the example above, upon clicking OK, the system would add version 7.0.

GOL Edit Document Version History3.png


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