Symbol of the Government of Canada

Version française du texte intégral


Onscreen the video begins by exhibiting the Welcome webpage to access ACOA Direct.

Narrator: Today we are going to look at how to register for ACOA Direct via GCKey or Sign-In Partner. Thank you for taking time to listen to this video as it is intended to better prepare you in understanding the use and practicality of ACOA Direct.
Onscreen the narrator is displaying an example of an invitation email.    
Narrator: Once you, the client, have expressed interest in registering for ACOA Direct and the process has been initiated by either an ACOA representative or an individual within your company who has admin access level rights with ACOA Direct, you will receive an invitation by either someone from ACOA or someone within your organization. Once you receive this invitation to register for ACOA Direct, please note that you will not be able to complete the registration process via this e-mail invitation without having entered a shared secret, which is a one-time code that is required and used as an extra security measure. This shared secret will be provided to you by mail, by phone or in person by the individual who has sent you the invitation. An invitation to register to ACOA Direct is only valid for two weeks from the time it was sent to you. In the event you do not register and/or login to ACOA Direct within that timeframe, you will need to contact the individual who has sent you the invitation to request a new invitation to register. Note that the initial invitation will have been disabled. This new invitation will also require a shared secret.
Onscreen the narrator hovers then clicks the “Accept this invitation” link in the middle of the screen.  This action opens the “Log in to ACOA Direct” webpage.
Narrator: To initiate the registration process, you must open the e-mail invitation you received and click on “Accept This Invitation” link. This will take you to our registration page, indicating that you have been invited to participate in an ACOA Direct account. So we click on ‘Accept This Invitation’.
Onscreen the narrator hovers over the name of the organization and the name of the individual who sent the invitation … located at the top of the screen.  Narrator then hovers over the link ‘How do I create a login account for ACOA Direct? ” toward the bottom of the screen.
Narrator: Note the system displays the name of your organization, as well as the name of the individual who initiated the invitation. There is a link here that says: “How do I create a login account for ACOA Direct?”. This link brings you to the video on client registration which can also be found under the Help link above.
Onscreen the narrator clicks on the ‘Help’ link located at the top middle of the screen.  This action opens the ‘Help’ webpage.  Narrator then points to the ‘Client Registration Process’ link.
Narrator: So you would simply click on that help link and the system brings you to the list of help files and here you will find the Help file on Client Registration Process.
Onscreen the narrator returns to the “Log in to ACOA Direct” webpage.  Then the narrator points to the ‘Log In’ button and clicks on it.  This action opens the sign in page for GCKey or Sign-In Partner.
Narrator: Now to initiate the process, you must click on Log In. Before being able to register to ACOA Direct, you need to have a GCKey or a Sign-In Partner account.
Onscreen the narrator is itemizing the two hyperlinks by hovering over the ‘GC Key’ and the ‘Sign-In Partner Log In’ buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Narrator: GCKey is a Government of Canada service which provides you with a unique account allowing you to communicate securely with government programs and services. This GCKey can then be used to connect with government departments with which you have signed up for online services.
Onscreen the narrator hovers over the ‘Sign-In Partner Log In’ button at the bottom-left of the screen, then points to the ‘Tell Me More’ link and the ‘List of Sign-In Partners’ link.
Narrator: To know more about Sign-In Partner, you can click on ‘Tell me more’ link here, as well as the list of Sign-In Partners. Sign-In Partners are banking institutions and they each have their separate sign-in process. They, the banks, will provide you with instructions on how to register with their service.
Onscreen the narrator hovers over the Sign-In Partner Log In’ button at the bottom-left of the screen.
Narrator: So you would click on this button below. It will give you a list of the banking institutions. You would select the one you want, contact your bank and follow the process. Or you may already have an account with a banking institution to access secure information. You would simply go and log in to that account.
Onscreen the narrator hovers over the ‘Important Notices’ link located in the middle of the screen.  Then the narrator points to the ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’ link, and hovers over the ‘GC Key’ and the ‘Sign-In Partner Log In’ buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Narrator: As well, you can click on Important Notices regarding the Sign-In Partner login. And over here we have a link to Frequently Asked Questions about these two services. These are not the Frequently Asked Questions developed by ACOA.
Onscreen the narrator points to the ‘Help’ link located in the top of the screen, then points back to the ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’ link, and again hovers over the ‘GC Key’ and the ‘Sign-In Partner Log In’ buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Narrator: Those can be found by going to the Help link here and then there is an additional link to the frequently asked questions from there. But these are frequently asked questions developed for the purpose of explaining these two options. So for the purpose of this video, we will create a GC account.
Onscreen the narrator hovers then clicks the “GCKey Log In” button at the bottom-right of the screen.  This action opens the “GCKey Log In or Register” webpage.
Narrator: We now proceed to the setup of our new account by clicking on GCKey Log In.
Onscreen the narrator points to the ‘Help’ and ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)’ links located around the middle-left of the screen.
Narrator: Note that GCKey has a help link and a frequently asked questions link. If you encounter any issues or technical difficulties while registering or logging in via GCKey, you must contact the GCKey technical representatives for assistance directly and not ACOA. If the issues are technical difficulties encountered within ACOA Direct, then please contact ACOA for assistance. Now for the purposes of this video, we will assume we do not have a GCKey account.
Onscreen the narrator points to the ‘Register’ in the middle of the page, then to the ‘Register’ link to the left of the screen.  The narrator clicks on the second link.  This action launches the ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ webpage. 
Narrator: So we are going to click on the Register link here or the Register link here to the left. So I click on Register.
Onscreen the narrator clicks on the ‘I Accept’ button, which launches the ‘GCKey Registration Step 2 of 2’ webpage.  
Narrator: I accept the Terms and Conditions of the use of this tool and I proceed to setup a user id.
Onscreen, the narrator scrolls to the bottom of the “Access Key – Log In” webpage. The narrator creates a user id, addresses three recovery questions and creates a password in the “User ID”, ‘Recovery Questions, Answers and Hints’ and “Password” textboxes. The narrator then clicks on the “Continue” button.  This action launches the ‘GCKey Registration Complete’ webpage. 
Narrator: I address three recovery questions and I put in a new password. If in creating your username and password the system tells you that it already exists, then you will need to create a new one. So we are going to create here our new user id.  And we are going to address a series of recovery questions. And I will scroll down here. And I will put Toto. Most memorable person we can put George Washington, previous US President. Memorable date we will put turn of the century. Now we can scroll down here below and we will enter a password. So here the password checklist tells me that I have met all the criteria for a valid password. And now as I click on ‘Continue’ this system will search the current user names and passwords for existing GCKey accounts to see if this one is available.
Onscreen the narrator points and clicks on the ‘Continue’ button in the middle of the screen.  This action launches the ‘Enrol your account with ACOA Direct’ webpage.  
Narrator: Your GCKey registration is now complete and your account has been created. You are now ready to register to ACOA Direct. To do so, click ‘Continue’.
Onscreen the narrator is itemizing the three fields by hovering over the ‘Name’, ‘Email Address’ and ‘Confirm Email Address’ textboxes at the center-bottom of the screen.  The narrator then clicks on the ‘Enrol with ACOA Direct’ button at the bottom of the screen.  This action launches the ‘Confirm Your Acceptance‘ webpage, which also displays the ‘Terms and Conditions’ of the use of ACOA Direct.
Narrator: Here you will need to confirm the name and e-mail address displayed by the system to ensure that they are correct. This should be the same one used for all of your GCKey accounts.  And once you have confirmed that this information is correct, then you click on ‘Enroll with ACOA Direct’.
Onscreen the narrator scrolls down, hovering over the Terms and Conditions.  The narrator then points and clicks on the ‘I accept the terms and conditions’ checkbox, clicks and enters information in the Shared Secret box. Then the narrator clicks on the ‘I accept this invitation’ box.  This action launches the client site in ACOA Direct.
Narrator: The system now brings you to the Terms and Conditions of the use of ACOA Direct. If you have received an invitation by an ACOA representative, this would mean that you are the authorized client administrator for ACOA Direct on behalf of the client. Therefore, you would see the Terms and Conditions of the use of ACOA Direct displayed here, of which you would have to read through and then check off the “I accept the Terms and Conditions” box. Once you have done this, then you can proceed to put in your Shared Secret. If you are not the first person invited to the client site, thus not the authorized client administrator, when you get to this screen, you will not see the Terms and Conditions for the use of ACOA Direct. But you would simply have the ‘Confirm Your Acceptance’ section below, where you type in your Shared Secret provided by the person who sent you the invitation. So you would have obtained your Shared Secret either in writing, in person or over the phone. And once you have entered your Shared Secret, you click on ‘I accept this invitation’.
Onscreen the narrator is circling over the ‘Client Summary’, ‘Project Details’ and ‘Payments’ sections of the ‘Client Info’ page in the client site.  These are located in the center of the screen.
Narrator: And now you see that you are in your client’s site. So once entered, the Shared Secret will not be required for any future login to ACOA Direct via GCKey or Sign-In Partner. The entry of the Shared Secret happens only once as a security measure during registration. In the event that you are a member of other secured government online sites, the list of those sites would be available for you and then you would click on one of those sites to enter. You are now officially registered with both GCKey and ACOA Direct.
Onscreen the narrator exhibits the ACOA Public website.  Then the narrator points and clicks on the ‘ACOA Direct Client Portal’ hyperlink located at the left of the screen.  This action brings you to the Welcome webpage to access ACOA Direct.  The narrator then clicks on the ‘English’ button to display the ‘Welcome to ACOA Direct’ webpage and hovers over the ‘Log In to ACOA Direct’ hyperlink toward the bottom-left of the page.
Narrator: For future re-access to ACOA Direct, you would simply need to enter via the ACOA website. You would click on ‘ACOA Direct Client Portal’, click on ‘English’ and login to ACOA Direct.  
Onscreen the narrator once again exhibits the client site in ACOA Direct and points to the ‘Log Out’ button located at the top-right of the screen.  The narrator then points and clicks on the ‘Help’ link located at the center-left of the screen.  This action launches the ‘Help for ACOA Direct Services’ webpage.
Narrator: As a friendly reminder, do protect your privacy by logging out of your work session (Fermer la session) once completed, and by further closing your browser to ensure that you are no longer logged in to ACOA Direct. Finally, it is recommended that you view the various Help files by clicking on the ‘Help’ link.
Onscreen the narrator hovers over the list of hyperlinks to the various help files, located at the bottom left of the screen.  The narrator specifically hovers over the ‘Creating and Submitting a Package (Claim, Advance, Final Claim)’ link, the ‘Using Shared Documents’ link, the ‘Using the Message Centre’ link, as well as the ‘Frequently Asked Questions and Navigation Tips’ link.
Narrator: You will find a series of them here and most of them have pertinent videos, such as Creating and Submitting a Package, Using Shared Documents, Using the Message Centre, Frequently Asked Questions and Navigation Tips. All of these are helpful in assisting you with ACOA Direct.
Onscreen the narrator exhibits the ‘Welcome to ACOA Direct, webpage and hovers over the ‘I have forgotten my account (user name or password)’ hyperlink. 
Narrator: One last thing, it is important to note that if you forget your user id, you will then be required to create a new GCKey account with a new user id and password. Should this be necessary, you would begin the process by clicking on ‘I have forgotten my account (user name or password)’. 
This concludes our session on how to register for ACOA Direct via GCKey or Sign-in Partner. Thank you again for taking time to listen to this video. We trust it has been useful in addressing any questions you may have. If required, please feel free to contact your ACOA representative or your authorized client administrator for further assistance or, as well, to communicate with ACOA’s Helpdesk at 1-888-322-2482 during regular office hours between 8:00am and 6:00pm Eastern time. Please note that the Helpdesk is not available on weekends or Statutory or Civic Holidays. Thank you.